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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 21 Nov 1924

Vol. 9 No. 15


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that the Income Tax Authorities are now seeking to recover from farmers Income Tax for the years 1915-16-17, although the full amount assessed for each of these years was paid as it became due; also, if demands are being made in respect of alleged profits out of eleven months' grazing takes, extending back as far as the years mentioned above, and irrespective of whether profits were made or not; and, if the facts are as stated, whether these demands have his approval.

I have no knowledge of any such cases, but if the Deputy will be good enough to let me have particulars of any specific case he has in mind I shall be happy to have enquiries made.

I can supply the Minister with the case of a Kildare farmer who paid between 1917 and 1923 £530 8s. 7d. in Income Tax, and at present he is threatened with proceedings for arrears, amounting to £419 13s. 9d. Does the Minister recall that he stated in the Dáil some time ago that farmers paid no Income Tax?

He did not mean that.

That is according to what was under discussion.
