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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 20 Feb 1925

Vol. 10 No. 6


asked the Minister for Defence whether, in the case of payment of pensions to dependents of Volunteers killed, or who died consequent on wounds prior to 1st April, 1922, the date of commencement of payment of pension is in some cases being fixed for dates subsequent to that specified in Section 8 (2) of the Army Pensions Act, 1923; if he will state under what authority this is being done, and if he is aware that Section 7 (2) of the Army Pensions Act, 1923, applies only to pensions granted under Section 7 (1).

The dates of payment of pensions in the cases referred to by the Deputy have been fixed subsequent to the 1st April, 1922. That date is specified in sub-section 8 (2) of the Army Pensions Act, 1923, merely as the date on which the Volunteers in question shall be deemed to have been killed or to have died. Otherwise, the sub-section adapts sub-section 7 (2) for the purpose of determining the dates as from which pensions shall be payable. The latter sub-section therefore gives the Minister for Defence full discretion in the matter. I am thereby enabled to take into account, when fixing dates of commencement of pensions, payments out of public, or quasi-public, funds to the dependents in question in the same way as in the cases of the dependents of members of the National Forces who were killed or mortally wounded.
