I move that the Dáil sit later than 8.30 p.m. in order to dispose of item 4 on the Orders of the Day—Treaty (Confirmation of Amending Agreement) Bill, 1925.
Will the President say when he intends to have the motion for the adjournment? Will he mention any hour?
No; the Dáil will sit until the item is finished.
Do I understand that we are to continue if necessary all through the night?
Is it decided that the Dáil should sit later than 10.30 p.m.?
The question is that the Dáil sit later than 8.30 p.m.
I am prepared, if necessary, to move an amendment that we should sit not later than 10.30. We have been listening to repetitions in connection with this debate for three days, and I think we here, and the public outside, have had enough of it. We really owe something to the dignity of the Dáil and to the dignity of the nation, and we ought to realise that. For three days we have been listening to repetitions and statements in no way helpful, and it is about time the matter was finished.
Deputy Gorey has spoken on the matter; other Deputies have a right to speak.
Deputy Gorey spoke on behalf of a Party, and that Party has contributed very little to the debate. I object to the Dáil sitting through the night.
Perhaps it may not be necessary to do so.
Even if it is necessary.
We have taken three days to discuss the matter, and I am fairly satisfied that there will be a reasonable give and take in the matter of the speeches that have yet to be made. It is more than possible we may be able to adjourn before 10.30 p.m. For my part, I give the undertaking that I will occupy very little time when I come to wind up the debate.
I am assuming that the Dáil agrees to sit later than 8.30 p.m.
Agreed. Ordered accordingly.