I move for leave to introduce this Bill. The Bill consists of two minor amendments to the Amalgamation Bill which has been passed, and these arise from the accidental circumstance that the Act which was passed in the early portion of this year was not signed until the 2nd April. Owing to some unforeseen delay in the Seanad, and owing to the seven days' interval before signature, it was not signed until the 2nd April. Now, without the amendment which this Bill provides, there would be no relief in the coming financial year for the ratepaying body of the Dublin Corporation. The rate would have to be 8d. as usual, and if the graduated reduction of 1d. per year is to commence as from the 31st March next, this amendment will be necessary owing to the accidental circumstance that the Bill lapped over until April, and was only signed on the 2nd April. I think the State ought not to take advantage of a mere accident of that kind, and, therefore, I am bringing in this amending Bill to fulfil what was the real intention when the original Act was being passed: that is to give relief to the Dublin ratepayers as from the end of this financial year and commencing in the next financial year. The other amendment is a small matter dealing with representative bodies: enabling representative bodies to be formed as from the amalgamated force. At present I think we are dealing with eight or nine different representative bodies, and it is advisable to pass an enabling amendment which would permit representative bodies being formed from the one single force which now exists.
Question: "That leave be given to introduce the Bill"—put and agreed to.
Second Stage ordered for Tuesday, 12th January, 1926.
The Dáil went into Committee.