asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he will state what action is being taken by the Land Commission in regard to the tenants who were transferred from the Tigho Estate, County Mayo, by the Congested Districts Board; whether a revaluation of their holdings has been made, and, if so, why has not the result of the revaluation been communicated to the tenants; if he is aware if the present annuities charged to those tenants are stated to be excessive, and whether immediate steps will be taken to have them reduced and to relieve those tenants in regard to outstanding arrears.
There are three estates of Tighe in County Mayo which were purchased by the late Congested Districts Board, viz.: Rev. D.P. and J.J. Tighe, situate near Ballyhaunis; Captain Thomas Tighe, situate near Claremorris; and B. and A.F. Tighe, situate near Claremorris.
It is not known to which of these estates the Deputy refers. If the names of the townlands in which the new holdings are situate be furnished, inquiry will be made.