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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Jul 1927

Vol. 20 No. 5


asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he is aware that Coolaghbawn Farm, Hollymount, County Mayo, is let in grazing by the Irish Land Commission, and if he will state what steps, if any, are being taken to have that farm divided for the relief of congestion.


The lands of Coolaghbawn referred to have not yet been acquired by the Land Commission. They are situate on the estate of the Hon. Rev. W.E. Bowen, and the Land Commission are in communication with the owner's solicitors with a view to being furnished with particulars of the lands.

asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he is aware that acute congestion exists in the parish of Islandeady, Castlebar, County Mayo, and if he will state what steps, if any are being taken to acquire the large grazing ranch held by Mr. Matthew Fahy, Greenhills, Islandeady, for the purpose of providing economic holdings for the tenants whose valuations are under £5 in that district.


As the Land Commission have not had time to complete their enquiries in this matter, it is requested that the Deputy should repeat the question on the 12th instant.

asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he is aware that acute congestion exists on the Lynch Blosse Estate, Balla, County Mayo, and if he will state what steps are being taken by the Irish Land Commission to acquire the large grazing rauches held by Messrs. Cassidy and Browne (O'Connor's Lease) Lynch Blosse Estate, for the purpose of providing economic holdings for the congests on that estate.


As the Deputy was informed in reply to a previous question on the 29th March last; the lands referred to are held by Major O'Connor on lease from the Lynch Blosse Estate, the term of which has not expired, and that on the expiration of the lease the Land Commission will consider taking the necessary steps with a view to acquiring the lands.

asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he is aware that the De Clifford Estate, County Mayo, was acquired by the Congested Districts Board in 1911; that the holdings are not yet vested, and if he will state the cause of delay in vesting.


Six holdings have been vested in the purchasing tenants, and three more will be vested at an early date on the De Clifford estate. The remainder of the estate, as stated in reply to this Deputy's previous question of 20th April last, consists largely of small holdings, and the Commissioners are negotiating for the purchase of additional lands to improve them.
