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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Jul 1927

Vol. 20 No. 7


I move:—

Go ndeontar suim ná raghaidh thar £2,784 chun slánuithe na suime is gá chun íoctha an Mhuirir a thiocfidh chun bheith iníoctha i rith na bliana dar críoch an 31adh lá de Mhárta. 1928, chun Tuarastail agus Costaisí Oifig an tSaor-Chíosa.

That a sum not exceeding £2,784 be granted to complete the sum necessary to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1928, for the Salaries and Expenses of the Quit Rent Office.

This is an expiring service. As land purchase proceeds, the various quit rents are being redeemed, and the work of the office is very largely in connection with their redemption. There are, however, other functions discharged by the office in connection with foreshores and minerals, and in connection with parts of the Phoenix Park and the Curragh. Mainly the functions of the office, however, have been the collection of quit rents which, as I have said, are being extinguished. The total revenue, which was comparatively recently £50,000 per year, has sunk to £11,000 per year, and in a comparatively short time these rents will disappear and the office will disappear with them.

Question put and agreed to.