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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Mar 1928

Vol. 22 No. 13


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that an old age pension was refused to Mrs. Mary Enright, of Britfieldstown, Minane Bridge, County Cork, on the grounds that her yearly means exceed the statutory amount, and if he will state the evidence on which this decision was based.

This case came up on appeal for the fourth time on the 6th of January, 1928. The appeal was made by the claimant against the decision of the Kinsale No. 2 Pension Sub-Committee who disallowed the pension on the ground of means. It appears that she is the widow of an intestate, lives with her daughter and the latter's husband, to whom she assigned, by a deed dated 22nd November, 1916, her interest in a farm of land on his marriage to her daughter. The holding comprises 42 acres of land (Poor Law Valuation £25 15s. 0d.—Rent £12 18s. 8d.—Rates £4) of which three-fourths is fair in quality and one-fourth poor. There are 8½ acres of tillage and the usual stock. The appeal was determined on the 1st of February, 1928, the decision of the Sub-Committee being upheld, no pension being allowed.
