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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 May 1928

Vol. 23 No. 17


asked the Minister for Fisheries whether the Land Commission propose to acquire the farm of Mrs. E.A. Smith, Friary, Leighlinbridge (Poe estate), for distribution among the uneconomic holders in the vicinity.

No holding of Mrs. E. A. Smith on the Poe estate can be identified. The holdings of Mrs. Smith situate in the townlands of Ballyboley on the estate of W. E. Jacob and another, in the townlands of Ballyboley or Leighlinbridge on the estate of W. S. Duckett-Stewart, and in Leighlinbridge on the estate of Emmaline M. Elliott and others, comprising in all 137 acres, have been vested in her as tenant purchaser under the Land Purchase Acts, and the Land Commission do not propose to take any action with regard to their acquisition.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the lady who owns this farm does not even reside upon it, that it is a large farm amounting to several hundred acres in extent, and that as far as I can make out, it is not being worked in any way whatever? Is he aware that when she wants even a few potatoes she has to go to a neighbour, and is he satisfied that that state of affairs should continue while there are people in urgent need of land in the neighbourhood?

The farm is only 137 acres in extent. The lady resides on the holding, according to my information, for a certain period each year. There is no real congestion in that area, and if there was any real congestion we certainly would have resumed the holding before it was vested in the owner.
