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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Oct 1928

Vol. 26 No. 1


asked the Minister for Finance whether he can state how many motor cars for re-sale have been imported over the Northern Border since the beginning of the current year; whether the levying of duties in connection with such importations has involved a great amount of trouble, and necessitates the presence of specially trained officials; and whether any inconvenience would be caused by an order that motor vehicles other than those already in use for transport could only be imported through the ports of the Saorstát.

It is not possible to state the number of motor cars imported across the Land Frontier for re-sale, as importers of motor cars are not required to state the object of importing. The total number of touring motor cars and of motor cycles imported across the frontier from the 1st January, 1928. to the 31st August. 1928. was 257 and 71, respectively, and of this number approximately two-thirds were second-hand vehicles in each case. Customs officials are not required at land frontier stations for the express purpose of dealing with motor cars imported for re-sale. This is only part of the duties falling to be performed by such officials at these stations and it is doubtful whether any saving of staff would result if the importation across the land frontier of motor cars for re-sale was prohibited; no official inconvenience would be caused by the issue of an order as indicated in the last part of the question, but such an order would result in considerable restriction on trade and would, therefore, be unjustifiable in the absence of any official reason for it.
