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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 Nov 1928

Vol. 27 No. 4


asked the Minister for Justice whether he will state by what authority the Gárda Síochána seized the gun of Patrick Buckley, of Ballycloughduff, Moate, and refused to return same to him unless he took out a £5 licence.

Mr. Buckley formerly held a £2 firearm certificate in respect of a shot gun, his property. The certificate expired on the 31st July last, and Mr. Buckley then applied for a 5s. limited certificate. A limited certificate authorities the holder to shoot birds and animals other than game on his own lands. Mr. Buckley is not, however, an occupier of land, and is not entitled to such a certificate. In these circumstances the Superintendent took up the firearm under Section 6 of the Firearms Act, 1925, and it is now in his possession. If Mr. Buckley applies for a full certificate it will be granted to him and the firearm returned.
