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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1929

Vol. 32 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Courtown Harbour Improvements Grant.

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries if he will state why the grant promised by his Department towards the repair of sluice gates and the provision of a grab dredger at Courtown Harbour has not been forwarded to the Wexford County Council, and if he is farther aware that the County Council voted their portion of the required sum for this purpose in March last.

No decision has yet been arrived at in this matter. An alternative method of carrying out the necessary works recommended by the Board of Public Works is being submitted to the Wexford County Council for their consideration.

I should like to ask the Minister if his Department promised to go 50/50 with the County Council in the cost of this work?

If the Deputy is referring to a deputation received by me some time ago——

No deputation at all. The Minister's Department promised to go 50/50 with the County Council in this work.

I should like to know when.

Early this year — last March or February.

I do not think so. The County Council promised to put up something like £1,065 if the Department of Fisheries was prepared to recommend the remainder. That was submitted to the Board of Works. The Board of Works have examined the proposal of the County Council and are putting up an alternative scheme, which is being sent to the County Council for consideration.

Will the Department go 50/50 with the County Council?

That is another matter. I could not answer that. I would have to sec what the proposal was before I could say whether I could even recommend it to the Department of Finance. I could not exactly say whether we would or not.

Has not the Minister's Department agreed to bear 50 per cent. of the cost in the event of an approved scheme being put up?

I would not say that.

That is the information the County Council got.

It is not in writing—it is not in my Department. What I am prepared to say is this, that the only information I have of any promise of going 50/50 in any scheme is that made by me personally to certain Deputies whom I met in the corridor. I said that if there was an approved scheme put up I was prepared to recommend that we go 50/50. That is the only information I have of any promise.
