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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Jun 1930

Vol. 35 No. 7

International Conventions. - Economic Statistics.

I move:

"Go gceaduíonn an Dáil an Convensiún Eadarnáisiúnta i dtaobh Staitistíocht Economiceach maraon le Dreacht-chonnra, do sighníodh i nGeneva ar an 14adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1928, agus dar leagadh cóip ar Bhord na Dála ar an 28adh lá de Bhealtaine, 1930, agus go molann don Ard-Chomhairle gach ní is gá do dhéanamh chun an Convensiún Eadarnáisiúnta san do dhaingniú.

That the Dáil approves of the International Convention relating to Economic Statistics with Protocol, signed at Geneva on the 14th day of December, 1928, a copy of which was laid on the Table of the Dáil on the 28th day of May, 1930, and recommends the Executive Council to take the necessary steps to ratify the said International Convention."

The object is to secure the publication by the State of trade and economic statistics under a certain scope and to standardise the methods to be employed. There is only one new obligation of any importance which falls upon us in connection with trade statistics. The proposal is that while general statistics will be compiled according to the country from which or to which goods are consigned, we shall have an experimental return made for twelve months showing the trade, as far as possible, according to country of origin or, in the case of exports, the country of final consumption. Since the beginning of January statistics for this experimental return have, in fact, been collected in the case of articles imported into the Irish Free State.

Article 2, paragraph 2, states:—"Returns of the population according to occupations to be compiled and published at least once in each decade, and to relate to the closing year of the decade (that is to say, the years 1930, 1940, 1950, and so on), or to a year as near as possible to such closing year." Is it intended to compile another census of population here this year or next year in accordance with the agreement entered into under that Article?

No. The return will do for the purpose of this.

Does the Free State publish an index number showing the general movement of wholesale prices at present, and, if not, is it intended to do so in accordance with this Convention?

We do not publish such a number. If we accept the obligation, then we shall have to see that it is published.

Question put and agreed to.