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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 27 Nov 1930

Vol. 36 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Importation of Foreign Malt.

asked the Minister for Finance if, in view of the largely increased imports of foreign malt during the nine months January to September, 1930, with resulting unemployment and distress, he will consider prohibiting the importation of foreign malt into the Saorstát.

Under existing law the Government have no powers to prohibit the importation of foreign malt into the Saorstát, and it is not intended to approach the Oireachtas for the grant of such powers in view of the fact that malt is the raw material for the important industry of brewing.

Is the Minister aware that the amount of money lost to Irish workers during the past nine months owing to the importation of foreign malt amounts to £131,712, or more than one-third of the total unemployment grant that is at present under consideration by the Dáil? In view of these circumstances will the Minister reconsider the position?

I know there is a great deal more Irish barley exported in the form of beer and stout than there is of foreign malt consumed here in the form of beer and stout.

Is the Minister further aware that the amount of beer exported this year, compared with the amount exported in the previous year, does not justify the large increase there has been in the importation of foreign malt?

Would the Minister say if there is any good reason why, if foreign barley has to be imported it could not be malted in this country, in view of the fact that quite a large number of our malt houses are at present working only at 50 per cent. of their capacity?

That is an entirely different question.

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the Minister's reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise this question on the motion for the adjournment this evening.

Personally, I may say that I am not going to remain here to answer.

We do not care whether you do or not.
