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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 27 Mar 1931

Vol. 37 No. 19

The Adjournment.

I move that the Dáil adjourn until the 22nd April.

Might I ask whether the President would be prepared to give Government time for the discussion of the motion standing in my name on the Order Paper? It has been there for a considerable time. The Minister for Local Government may sneer——

A considerable time elapsed before the motion was put on the Order Paper.

That is no justification for not providing an opportunity to discuss it now. You have a Commissioner down there who is costing a considerable amount. As well as that, you have a member of your Party deprived of the chairmanship of the county council——

It is not permissible to make a speech on the subject now.

I am merely giving reasons why the President should consider this an urgent matter and allow some Government time for consideration of it.

I think it would be rather a pity to afford an early opportunity for discussing the motion because we might not then have the pleasure of seeing the Deputy so often. I propose, if possible, to give some time to the discussion of the motion when consideration of the Estimates will have been completed.

The Dáil adjourned at 2 p.m. until Wednesday, 22nd April, at 3 p.m.
