asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that the Galway County Council recently issued an advertisement inviting applications for the position of rate collector for the collection district of Galway, No. 35; that the advertisement stated that a competent knowledge of Irish was required; that an examination of the applicants disclosed that all the applicants had a knowledge of Irish except one; that the Council appointed the applicant having no knowledge of Irish; whether the Minister's approval has been given to this appointment and, if not, what steps he proposes to take to ensure that the person appointed to this position has the advertised qualifications.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway Rate Collectorship.
I informed the County Council on the 27th ultimo that I do not propose to sanction this appointment.
Arising out of the reply, is the Minister aware that last year a person, who knew no Irish, was appointed a rate collector in a Gaeltacht area in Connemara while another applicant for the position, who had a good knowledge of Irish, was turned down by the County Council?