asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he has received a copy of a resolution passed by the Ennis United Labourers' Association requesting that a grant of £12,000 be made available for road works from Ennis to Quin and from Ennis to Kilmaley to relieve the abnormal unemployment which exists in these places; and if he will make provision to carry out these works without delay in view of the seriousness of the unemployment situation in this area for a considerable time past.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Relief Work in Clare.
I have received representations to this effect from the Ennis United Labourers' Association. General considerations in regard to the distribution of relief grants are at present being examined. While no guarantee of special treatment can be assumed this case will be taken into account in the distribution of any moneys which may be available for the relief of unemployment through the medium of road work.