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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Nov 1933

Vol. 50 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land Annuities.

asked the Minister for Finance if, with reference to the sum of £1,480,396 in the National Accounts for the period 1st April, 1933, to 11th November, 1933, representing annuities on advances under the Land Acts, 1891-1909, transferred from Purchase Annuities Fund, he will state (a) if any part of this is in fact a transfer from or payment out of the Exchequer into the Purchase Annuities Fund; and, if so, how much of the £1,480,396 has in the period referred to been so paid out or transferred; and (b) if any part of this is money actually received from annuitants, and, if so, how much; and further if he will state the total amount of annuities on advances under all the Land Acts received to date in the present financial year.

The sum of £1,480,396 included in the Exchequer receipts for the period 1st April, 1933, to 11th November, 1933, representing annuities on advances under the Land Acts, 1891-1909, transferred from the Purchase Annuities Fund was made up as follows:—

(a) funded annuities made good from the Exchequer through the medium of the Vote for the Land Commission, £1,378,711 and

(b) instalments of annuities paid by purchasers £101,685.

The total amount of annuities on advances under all the Land Acts received in the current financial year up to 28th November is £320,715.
