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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Dec 1934

Vol. 54 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Unregistered Unemployed.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that there are hundreds of persons in the City of Dublin at present unemployed who have never previously sought public assistance and whose tradition and character are such that they are not willing to sign up at the labour exchanges, and are not so doing, and are, therefore, not qualifying for unemployment assistance benefit; and if he is aware that in consequence of the unemployment conditions in the City of Dublin these people have little hope of finding employment during the winter months, except on relief schemes and whether he will have inquiry made into the matter with a view to taking such action as his Department may towards providing work for these people.

I am not aware that there are persons in the City of Dublin whose circumstances are as described by the Deputy in the first part of the question. The Employment Exchange service has been established and is being maintained as the means by which persons who are unemployed and in search of work may inform my Department of the fact and if they fail or refuse to do so my Department would not know whether they were unemployed or not. As to the latter part of the question, the efforts of my Department in bringing about conditions which would provide more work and the success which has attended such efforts have been frequently stated and are too well-known to need reiteration. Those efforts will be continued.

Does the Minister dispute the fact that unemployment figures are continually increasing?

I am fully aware of the fact that employment is increasing.
