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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Feb 1936

Vol. 60 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fixing of Pig Prices.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he made direct or indirect representations to the Pigs Marketing Board as to the desirability or otherwise of the last price for pigs fixed by them.

Dr. Ryan

The answer is in the negative.

Am I to understand that neither the Minister, nor any of his representatives, addressed any kind of communication, verbal or otherwise, to the Chairman or Secretary of the Pigs Marketing Board or the Bacon Marketing Board in connection with the recent change in the price of pork?

Dr. Ryan

No; I have no function in the matter.

And the Minister did not make any representation of any kind?

Dr. Ryan

I had no authority to do so.

I am not asking that. I am asking if the Minister, in fact, did it.

Dr. Ryan

I do not act without authority.

Supplementaries are being allowed on this question and they were not allowed on a previous question.

If the Minister states that he has no function in the matter, the question should not have been put. Questions may only be put to a Minister on matters for which he has some responsibility.

The Minister has actually answered the question and admitted responsibility. He now declines to deny that he made a representation but says that he had no authority to do so. It is for that reason that I desire to bring the matter before the House.
