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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Feb 1936

Vol. 60 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pig Producers' Prices.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the fact that the present wholesale price of bacon is 88/- for green and 98/- for smoked, per cwt., he can take steps to see that the producer, the farmer, who is feeding pigs, will get more than the present fixed price of 30/- per cwt., less 5/1 charges, for first-grade pigs.

Dr. Ryan

The Deputy's question relates to a matter which comes within the purview of the Pigs Marketing Board. That Board, as the Deputy is aware, has been set up under the Pigs and Bacon Act, 1935, and has been given certain statutory functions, including the fixing of prices for pigs used in bacon factories. In the circumstances, the proper course for the Deputy would be to address any representations he may have to make direct to the Board.

It may be well to take this opportunity of stating that I am not prepared to discuss the operations of either the Pigs Marketing Board or the Bacon Marketing Board by way of question and answer in this House.

Would the Minister consider separating himself as effectively from the Department of Agriculture as he has from the Pigs Marketing Board?

Dr. Ryan

It would take more than the Deputy to do that.

It is a pity the Minister does not do it.
