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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Feb 1936

Vol. 60 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Donegal Housing Grant Application.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state why the application of James McClafferty, Dunlewey, County Donegal, Reference No. G.A. 17556, for a grant under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Act was refused.

As the five-roomed house in the occupation of the applicant was suitable and sufficient for the proper and healthy accommodation of the applicant and his family without the improvement by addition there to carried out by the applicant, the case did not come within the provisions of the Gaeltacht Housing Acts and accordingly a grant could not be made.

Arising out of his reply, is the Parliamentary Secretary in a position to say, in respect of the details, whether the improvements carried out fail to comply with the provisions of the Gaeltacht Housing Act?

As I have indicated in my reply, this was a five-roomed house and was considered suitable and sufficient for the proper accommodation of the applicant and his family.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that his local engineer examined the repairs carried out and informed Mr. McClafferty that they were desirable and in conformity with the requirements of the Gaeltacht Housing Act? If that information has not been brought to the Parliamentary Secretary's attention, would he be good enough to inquire further into the matter and ask for a report from his own local inspector?

Very well.
