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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Jun 1937

Vol. 68 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Beet and Wheat Acreage in County Clare.

Mr. Hogan

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state (1) what was the total acreage under beet in County Clare in 1936; (2) what percentage of the total tillage in County Clare that represented; (3) what percentage of the total tillage and pasturage in the county was represented by the acreage under beet; (4) in what order Clare stood in relation to other counties in respect of the land under beet; and (5) what increase the acreage under beet in County Clare in 1936 was on the acreage under beet in 1931.

The particulars for County Clare which the Deputy requires are as follows:—(1) the total acreage under beet was 385; (2) this figure represented 1.2 per cent. of the total acreage under corn, root and green crops; (3) the acreage under beet represented 0.07 per cent. of the acreage under crops and pasture; (4) the acreage under beet in Clare was exceeded by the corresponding figures of 15 counties; (5) no beet was returned as grown in County Clare in 1931, so that the increased acreage in 1936 was 385.

Mr. Hogan

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state (1) what was the total acreage under wheat in County Clare in 1936; (2) what percentage of the total tillage in County Clare that represented; (3) what percentage of the total tillage and pasturage of the entire county was represented by the acreage under wheat; (4) in what order Clare stood in relation to other counties in the acreage of land under wheat, and (5) what increase the acreage under wheat in County Clare was in 1936 on the acreage under wheat in 1931.

The particulars for County Clare which the Deputy requires are as follows:—(1) the total acreage under wheat was 2,324; (2) this figure represented 6.9 per cent. of the total acreage under corn, root and green crops; (3) the acreage under wheat represented 0.43 per cent. of the acreage under crops and pasture; (4) the acreage under wheat in Clare was exceeded by the corresponding figures of 21 counties; (5) the acreage under wheat increased by 1,835 acres in 1936 compared with 1931.
