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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Nov 1937

Vol. 69 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - The Sea Fisheries Association.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state fully the circumstances that led up to his adoption of the recommendation to suspend the executive committee of the Sea Fisheries Association.

Preliminary investigation by the Inter-Departmental Committee set up to examine and report upon the operations of the Sea Fisheries Association disclosed that there existed such a serious divergence of views and lack of concord among the directors of the association as to call for an immediate overhaul of the position if the work of the association was not to suffer serious damage. That committee, therefore, in an interim report furnished to me, submitted a suggestion, which I accepted, that the directors of the association should be asked to appoint on my nomination a manager to whom they would temporarily transfer all their powers and responsibilities; an arrangement fully provided for in the association's rules. That arrangement has been effected. The Inter-Departmental Committee are meantime continuing their inquiry and, upon the receipt of their final report, the whole position will be reviewed.

Is it true to say that it was the Minister who was responsible for introducing into that body the elements of discord and that, having introduced those elements of discord, he made them an excuse to wipe out the Sea Fisheries Association?

The Deputy's contention is built on false premises and, therefore, falls to the ground.

It is an old gag.
