asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware that extracts from the report of the commission set up to inquire into the salaries, etc., of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries were broadcast through Radio Athlone by the Government Publicity Department on Sunday, December 5th, 1937; that the report has not yet been circulated to Deputies, and if he will state the cause of delay in circulating such report to Deputies.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Report of Salaries Commission.
I am aware that a summary of the recommendations of the commission was broadcast from Radio Athlone on December 5th. I understand that the information contained in the summary was obtained from the Dublin news correspondent of the broadcasting service. The Government Information Bureau issued the report only to the newspapers.
I regret the circumstances which made it necessary to publish the report before circulation to Deputies. As the Deputy is probably aware, an unauthorised summary of the report appeared in the newspapers on Saturday, December 4th. This fact made it, in the opinion of the Government, undesirable to defer publication any longer. This report, together with the supplementary report on Parliamentary allowances, which I hope to receive shortly, will be circulated to Deputies at the earliest possible date.
Arising out of the Minister's reply, is he aware that 95 per cent. of the people of Saorstát Eireann are opposed to any increase in the salaries of Parliamentary Secretaries, and——
That is a separate question.