asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state when it is proposed to pay unemployment assistance to Patrick Harrington, South Ring, Clonakilty, who with his wife and family are now destitute because of the fact that payment has been withheld for the past eight weeks.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Unemployment Assistance Claim.
Patrick Harrington, South Ring, Clonakilty, made applications for unemployment assistance on the 28th September and the 26th October last. It was necessary to have certain inquiries made as to whether Mr. Harrington was unemployed within the meaning of the Acts on days in respect of which he had declared that he was unemployed. When the inquiries were completed payment of unemployment assistance to which he was entitled up to and including the 5th December, 1937, was made. Mr. Harrington was placed in employment by my Department on the 6th December, 1937.