asked the Minister for Lands if 80 acres on the Clarke estate at Lower Farran have been acquired by the Land Commission, and if a suitable scheme has been prepared for the early division of the land in question.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Division of County Cork Lands.
The Land Commission have acquired an area of 592 acres of the lands of Farran on the estate of Thomas A. Clarke. 505 acres have been allotted and the allotment of the remainder is under consideration. The Land Commission are also having an inspection made of the balance of the estate, comprising an area of 466 acres to ascertain the suitability of the lands for their purposes and on receipt of report the question of acquisition will be considered.
Will the Minister say whether the workers on the estate will also be included in that division? There is a large number of workers.
Mr. Boland
The matter of who is to get the land is not one for the Minister.