asked the Minister for Defence if a claim for a military service pension was received from Mr. Humphrey Moynihan, Hollyhill, Blarney Road, Cork, and when it is proposed to call Mr. Moynihan for examination by the Pensions Board.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Military Service Pensions.
There is no trace in my Department of the receipt of an application under the Military Service Pensions Acts from Mr. Humphrey Moynihan, Hollyhill, Blarney Road, Cork. If Mr. Moynihan made application from an address other than that stated, no notification of his change of address has been received in my Department.
asked the Minister for Defence whether he will state the present position of the application of Mr. Jerh. Sexton, Killeen, Aghabollogue, County Cork, for a military service pension, and when the evidence of Mr. Sexton in support of his claim will be taken.
The application has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when evidence will be taken in the case.
asked the Minister for Defence if he has received an application for a service certificate under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, from Mr. Joseph John Maguire, River View, Arney, Enniskillen (Ref. No. 34/SP/17950), and, if so, if he can state when a decision in the matter will be communicated to Mr. Maguire.
An application for a service certificate under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, has been received from Mr. Joseph J. Maguire, River View, Arney, Enniskillen, and has been referred for report to the referee. As the referee has not yet reported to me, I am not in a position to state when a decision will be communicated to Mr. Maguire.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the number of applicants for military service pensions under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, for Meath; the number of claims heard to date; the names and addresses of those granted pensions, and the amount paid in each case.
I must refer the Deputy to my reply to a somewhat similar question from Deputy Seán Brodrick on the 24th November last. Before the number of claims received from any particular county could be given, an examination of all applications received would have to be made and this would involve an expenditure of time on the part of the staff dealing with pensions which I do not think would be justified in the present circumstances.
All claims received are in various stages of consideration. So far as the County of Meath is concerned, I am only in a position to give the Deputy the number of claims reported on by the referee, which is five.
A list of pensioners for the county is being prepared showing the names, grades and the amounts awarded to date which will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as practicable.