asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that acute congestion exists in the townlands of Kilvindoney, Stonepark, Hollymount, Claremorris, on the Blake-Ruttledge estates, where there are over 25 tenants whose poor law valuations are under £10, and if he will state what steps are being taken by the Irish Land Commission to acquire the farm held by Mr. Algie, Toher, Hollymount, which contains about 220 acres, for the purpose of providing economic holdings for the tenants in the above-named townlands.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Mayo Lands.
Mr. Boland
The Land Commission have directed that an inspection be made of the lands of Togher, comprising 302 acres, in the occupation of Mr. A.J.J. Algie, with a view to ascertaining their suitability for purposes of division. Inquiries are also being made regarding an area of over 200 acres of untenanted lands in the neighbourhood of the congested estates to which the Deputy refers, and proceedings have been instituted for the acquisition of a further area of 125 acres in the vicinity.
Is the Minister aware that the lands mentioned in the question are at present up for sale by auction, and will the Land Commission take any steps to acquire them?
Mr. Boland
The matter is being considered. I cannot add any more to the answer I have given the Deputy.
asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that the Irish Land Commission acquired the lands of Mr. Eugene O'Donnell, De Clifford estate, Facefield, Claremorris, for the relief of congestion, over four years ago; that the lands are still let in grazing, and if he will state when those lands will be divided.
Mr. Boland
The Deputy apparently refers to the resumed holding of Eugene O'Donnell, containing 26 acres, in the townland of Facefield. This holding is being kept in hands by the Land Commission pending the possible acquisition of other lands in the vicinity, with a view to preparing a comprehensive scheme of division. Meanwhile it is let in grazing to local persons. It is not possible at present to state when the lands will be divided.
Is the Minister aware that the Land Commission have been profiteering on these lands for the past five years, ever since they acquired them?
Mr. Boland
I did not quite catch what the Deputy said.
asked the Minister for Lands if he will state when the farms of Mr. P.J. Killeen at Rockfield and Carrowkilleen, Claremorris, County Mayo, which were acquired by the Irish Land Commission for relief of congestion, will be divided.
Mr. Boland
The lands of Carrow-killeen, containing some 52 acres, and Rockfield, containing some 46 acres, in the occupation of Mr. Patrick J. Killeen, have not yet been acquired by the Land Commission, but proceedings have been instituted for their acquisition under Section 24, subsection (3), of the Land Act, 1923.
asked the Minister for Lands if he will state when he intends taking over for distribution Beleek lands, Knox Gore estate, Ballina, County Mayo, and if he is aware that acute congestion exists in the area.
Mr. Boland
The Deputy's question appears to refer to the lands of Kilmoremoy, Laghtadawannagh, Farrannoo and Beleek in the occupation of Col. W. A. Saunders Knox Gore. The Land Commission have had an inspection made regarding the suitability for their purposes of these lands, and the question of acquisition is at present under consideration, but it is not possible to anticipate a decision.