asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs whether he is aware that men recently employed as labourers in the Maynooth area by the Post Office Engineering Branch were paid at the rate of 30/- per week; whether he is aware that this rate is substantially below the recognised rate for general labourers in the area, and whether in view of this fact he will authorise the payment of a substantial increase to the men concerned.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - P.O. Labourers' Wages.
It is the case that the labourers recently engaged in the Maynooth area by the Post Office Engineering Branch were paid at the rate of 30/- a week. This, I am informed, is the rate paid to casual labourers for work of a similar nature in that area.
Is the Minister aware that the rate paid to general labourers is 10½d. per hour and, as the labourers in the Engineering Branch of the Post Office are regarded as being in the same category as general labourers, will he look into the matter of authorising an increase in the present low wage of 30/-?
I will look into it.