asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of Mr. Timothy Twomey, Barracharing, Donoghmore, County Cork, to a military service pension and when Mr. Twomey's evidence in support of his claim will be taken.
Written Answers. - Military Service Pensions Claims.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of Patrick McCarthy, Carhing, Berrings, Innis-carra, County Cork, to a military service pension and when Mr. McCarthy's evidence in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if a claim has been received from Mr. Andrew McCarthy, Tullignore, Coachford, County Cork, for a military service pension; if he will state the present position of the claim, and when Mr. McCarthy's evidence in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of John Healy, Monatagart, Aghabollogue, County Cork, to a military service pension, and when Mr. Healy's evidence in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of Daniel Sexton, Lacabawn, Donoghmore, County Cork, to a military service pension, and when the evidence of Mr. Sexton in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of Denis Daly, Ballycunningham, Donoghmore, County Cork, to a military service pension, and when the evidence of Mr. Daly in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the present position of the claim of Michael Falvey, Killeen, Aghabollogue, County Cork, to a military service pension, and when Mr. Falvey's evidence in support of his claim will be taken.
The application in this case has been referred to the referee for investigation and report. I am not in a position to state when the evidence of the applicant will be taken.
asked the Minister for Defence if he can state the present position of the claim of Jeremiah Dineen, 107 Oliver Plunket Street, Cork, to a military service pension, and when a decision on the case will be reached and communicated to Mr. Dineen.
Mr. Jeremiah Dineen's application under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, has been referred for report to the referee. As I have not yet received a report on the application from the referee, I am not in a position to state when a decision will be communicated to Mr. Dineen.