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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 Feb 1938

Vol. 70 No. 2

Written Answers. - Housing Grants.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state the total sum paid by way of grants to private persons and public utility societies under the Housing Act, 1932, as amended, distinguishing between payments made to (a) private persons or public utility societies erecting houses in urban areas; (b) small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £15; (c) small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £25; (d) agricultural labourers; (e) public utility societies erecting houses for small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £15; (f) public utility societies erecting houses for small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £25; (g) public utility societies erecting houses for agricultural labourers; (h) other persons than those specified erecting houses in rural areas; and (i) persons reconstructing houses.

The following is the information sought up to the 30th September last (the latest date for which figures are available):—

The total sums paid by way of State grants to private persons and public utility societies under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932-36, are as follows:—

(a)To private persons and public utility societies in respect of new houses erected in urban areas


(b)To small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £15


(c)To small farmers whose valuation exceeds £15 but does not exceed £25


(d)To agricultural labourers


(e)To public utility societies erecting new houses for small farmers whose valuation does not exceed £15


(f)To public utility societies erecting new houses for small farmers whose valuation exceeds £15 but does not exceed £25


(g)To public utility societies erecting new houses for agricultural labourers


(h)To other persons than those specified erecting new houses in rural areas


(i)To persons reconstructing houses

