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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 Mar 1938

Vol. 70 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Roscrea Meat Factory.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he has requisitioned the balance sheet and profit and loss account of the Roscrea meat factory for each year since its establishment; whether these accounts have been audited by an auditor appointed by him, and whether he will submit these accounts to Dáil Eireann with a view to determining what liability, if any, attaches to the Exchequer on foot of the agreements entered into by the Minister with the Roscrea Company.

The conditions under which a loan was granted to the Roscrea Meat Company, Ltd., prescribe that the company shall furnish its audited accounts to me annually, and the company has duly fulfilled this obligation. I have no authority to appoint an auditor to audit the company's accounts. The company's auditors are an Irish firm of accountants of high repute and standing in commercial circles, and I am quite satisfied to accept their audit and certificates. The company is a private one, and while I am prepared, when so requested, to disclose to the Dáil, as I have done in reply to questions recently put to me, such particulars from its accounts as are relevant to the Government's liability under the various agreements, I do not see my way to submit the accounts in their entirety.

Is there not an obligation on the Minister, under the relevant Acts, to submit these accounts for audit to the Comptroller and Auditor-General?

No, I do not think so.

Might I ask the Minister how can the Comptroller and Auditor-General certify disbursements by the Treasury for compensation which is to be assessed on a calculation based on the profits made by this company if he has not seen the company's balance sheets and profit and loss accounts so as to satisfy himself that the profits alleged to have been made by the company in the relevant years have not been inflated for the purpose of increasing the amount of compensation which they would be entitled to claim under the agreement?

I could not answer that question offhand. I take it the Comptroller and Auditor-General will have to satisfy himself and get the necessary information to satisfy himself. I do not know what information he may ask.

Surely, if the Minister comes asking for a Vote, the House is entitled to see the accounts with a view to determining whether the accounts are correctly based, inasmuch as they are a relevant item in the determination of the compensation payable?

I could not say at this stage.

When does the Minister propose to make such communication as he is determined to make to the House?

I take it that if we proceed, as we are proceeding at present, to wind up our liabilities to the company, we certainly shall have to come to the Dáil at some stage for a Supplementary Estimate; I could not say when.
