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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 31 Mar 1938

Vol. 70 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of County Sligo Lands.

asked the Minister for Lands whether he can state if the lands on the James R. Brett Estate at Dunowla, Barnacoghill and Cashelboy, County Sligo, consisting of approximately 230 acres, have been examined by the Land Commission with a view to acquisition, and, if so, whether he can indicate what progress has been made with the acquisition of these lands.

Mr. Boland

The Deputy's question appears to refer to the lands of Dunowla, Cashelboy and Barnacoghill, formerly in the occupation of William G. Smith, and now rated in the name of James Brett. The Land Commission have already had the question of the acquisition of these lands under consideration and decided to take no action in the matter.
