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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 27 Apr 1938

Vol. 71 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Foot and Mouth Disease in England.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that there is a serious outbreak of foot and mouth disease in England at present, and if he is taking any additional precautions to prevent the disease from spreading to this country.

In accordance with a long-standing arrangement of a reciprocal character with the British Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, I am kept in constant touch with the position as regards foot and mouth disease in Great Britain. The immunity from this disease which our flocks and herds have now enjoyed for many years is largely attributable to the many measures which have been taken, by means of Orders made under the Diseases of Animals Acts, to guard against its introduction not only from Great Britain but also from other countries and to the strict enforcement of such Orders. A new Order relative to the disposal of swill from vessels which reach our ports from other countries was made in December last and I may assure the Deputy that I shall not hesitate to adopt any additional precaution of a practicable nature which, in the opinion of the veterinary officers of the Department, is calculated still further to obviate the risk of foot and mouth disease spreading to this country.
