asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if, in view of the necessity that has arisen for supporting and developing the slate industry in West Cork, he will specify in all future contracts for houses to be built by public authorities in Cork City and County, that only West Cork slates are to be used, provided always that the quality of the slates will satisfy the Department's engineers, and that the cost will not exceed by a percentage to be agreed to by his Department, the cost of tiles or such other roof coverings.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - The Slate Industry in West Cork.
I could not approve of any condition in housing contracts which would require contractors to use slates from quarries in a particular area. Under the general specification issued by the Department, roofing may be carried out in slates or tiles of native manufacture or origin. There is no objection whatever to the use of slates, provided the cost is not excessive in relation to other suitable roofing materials.