asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he intends to introduce proposals for legislation in relation to conditions of employment of asylum attendants which shall provide inter alia for (a) the reduction of the number of years of service for staff to qualify for pension; (b) the reduction of working hours for staff to a maximum of 48 per week, and (c) compulsory retirement at the age of 60 years; furthermore, if he will take steps to clarify the position as regards pension rights of members of mental hospital staffs who failed to contract under the 1909 Act.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Conditions of Employment in Asylums.
The answer to (a) and (b) is in the negative. With regard to (c) the question of an age limit for retirement of local officers generally is under consideration. I am not aware that the position as regards pension of whole-time officers who did not avail of the Act of 1909 needs clarification. If the Deputy will send me a statement of the points on which he has any doubts I shall look into the matter and communicate with him.