asked the Taoiseach whether, in view of the allegation that Seanad electors were approached prior to the last Seanad Election by candidates proposing to buy their votes, and of the widespread belief that a number of Seanad voters did, in fact, sell their votes for a valuable consideration, he will indicate whether it is his intention to introduce proposals at an early date for amending the law relating to the election of Senators.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Seanad Electoral Law.
It is not proposed to introduce legislation as suggested by the Deputy. I know that allegations of the kind referred to by the Deputy have been made, but I am not aware whether or not any evidence can be produced in support of them. If evidence is available there is ample provision for dealing with the matter in the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923. I would refer the Deputy in particular to Section 44 of the Act where provision is made for inquiry by the Attorney-General, on information being furnished to him, into alleged corrupt or illegal practices.
May I ask, in view of the fact that it is alleged on a widespread scale that this corruption did, in fact, take place, whether the Taoiseach proposes to take steps to ensure that the passport to a vocational Seanad shall not be corruption?
I am afraid I cannot add anything to the reply I have already given.
Is the corruption to go on?
It has not been proved that there has been any corruption. No evidence of any kind is forthcoming.