asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health when the Provisional Order will be issued in connection with proposed water supply and sewerage at Duncannon, County Wexford.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes in County Wexford.
The provisional order in the case of Duncannon water supply was made on the 5th July last, and copies were issued on the 16th July to the board of health, with instructions to serve a copy of the order upon each person interested. There was no application received from the board of health for a provisional order in connection with a proposed sewerage scheme.
asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health when the provisional order will be issued in connection with proposed water supply and sewerage at Fethard, County Wexford.
The provisional order in the case of Fethard water supply was made on the 5th July last, and copies were issued on the 18th July, with instructions to serve a copy of the order upon each person interested. There was no application received from the board of health for a provisional order in connection with a proposed sewerage scheme.