asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he can give any information on the present position of the proposal to build a hospital in Longford, and if a site has yet been secured.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Hospital Facilities in Longford.
There has been no change in the position. A site has not yet been secured.
May I ask if the Parliamentary Secretary will take steps to select a site?
I think it is up to the local authorities to take the necessary steps. As the Deputy is fully aware, there was a difference of opinion between the local authorities, the Valuation Department, and my Department, as to the value of a site, which was the only suitable one offered so far. Owing to this difference of opinion it is proposed to ask the Department of Valuation to look into the question of valuation again and to report. If that does not bring the matter to an issue, I think the initiative must be taken by the local authorities to find a site. If the local authorities can find an alternative site there will be no question about sanction.
Can the Parliamentary Secretary say why it has not been referred to the Valuation Department prior to this, and if a speedy decision may be expected?
I cannot express any opinion on that.
Will the Minister ask for it?
I will.
Arising out of the reply, is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the value put on the site by the valuer acting for the local Church Body was £3,500, while the Church Body now wants £5,500?
That is helpful. That will help to secure a site.