asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state whether his attention has been directed to the proposals regarding the closing of branch lines which are under consideration by the Great Southern Railways Company; whether he can state the mileage proposed to be closed down in the near future, and also the number of persons at present employed on the lines concerned.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Branch Railway Lines.
I understand that the Great Southern Railways Company contemplate the eventual discontinuance of train services on a number of unremunerative branch lines. I am not in a position to indicate the mileage of lines proposed to be closed in the near future, or the number of persons employed on them. It is not contemplated, however, that the rate of closing will be so fast as to cause any appreciable redundancy of staff.
Has the Parliamentary Secretary been supplied by the railway company with particulars of branch lines proposed to be closed down?
The only branch lines in respect of which applications for orders under Section 9 of the Railways Act, 1933, are at present pending in the Department are (1) Tralee-Dingle-Castlegregory and (2) Ballingrane-Foynes.