asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the number of (a) certificates issued to existing carriers under Section 3 of the Road Transport Act, 1933; (b) merchandise licences granted under Section 12 of that Act, distinguishing between those granted under the several sub-sections of Section 12; and (c) merchandise (existing carriers) licences transfered under Section 25 of the Act to (1) the railway companies, and (2) to other undertakers.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Road Transport Act Licences.
(a) 1,478 certificates were issued to existing carriers under Section 3 of the Road Transport Act, 1933. (b) 1,419 merchandise licences were granted under Section 12 of that Act, of which 11 were granted under sub-section (1), 1,356 under sub-section (2), 2 under sub-section (3), and 50 under sub-section (4). (c) The numbers of merchandise (existing carriers) licences transferred under Section 25 of the Act are: (1) to railway companies, 46, and (2) to other undertakers, 61.