asked the Minister for Finance if he will state what amount has been collected in each of the six last financial years ending 5th April, 1938, from Schedule "D" assessment to income tax on profits or gains arising from fees for the service of thoroughbred stallions; how many persons or companies were assessed to such tax in each of the said financial years; and if, in order to assist employment, he will take steps to remove this tax in accordance with the recommendations of the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the horse breeding industry.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Income Tax and Thoroughbred Stock.
As the answer in this case includes a number of figures, I propose, with the Deputy's permission, to circulate it with the Official Report.
Following is the answer:—
So far as the first and second parts of the question are concerned, the information required is indicated in the table given below. So far as the third part of the question is concerned, the answer is in the negative.
Year |
Income Tax (including Sur-tax) (approx.) |
Number of Persons or Companies assessed |
£ |
1932-33 |
8,500 |
33 |
1933-34 |
6,300 |
28 |
1934-35 |
4,900 |
26 |
1935-36 |
3,950 |
26 |
1936-37 |
1,300 |
25 |
1937-38 |
3,400 |
28 |