asked the Minister for Education (a) how many women teachers were compelled to retire on 30th September under the provisions of the regulation announced last April; (b) to how many of these have successors been appointed and sanctioned; and (c) how many women who on the date mentioned had reached the age of 60, and had given 35 years' service, were allowed to continue on the grounds that their enforced retiral would constitute individual hardship.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Retirement of Women Teachers.
(a) 203 women teachers were compelled to retire on 30th September, 1938, under the provisions of the regulations announced last April. (b) In 77 cases successors to these teachers have been appointed and sanctioned, and in 101 cases the question of the appointment of successors is proceeding; in 25 cases no vacancy has resulted. (c) In eight cases women teachers who had reached the age of 60 and had given 35 years' service were allowed to continue oh the grounds that their enforced retiral would constitute special hardship.