asked the Minister for Education whether he is aware that a secondary teacher on pension after 43 years' service is being deprived of £1 0s. 8d. a year in his pension because he mistook the opening date of term by one day in the year 1933; and that although he contributed £18 towards the Pensions Fund in that year none of this sum was returnable to him; and what steps he proposes to take in the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Secondary Teachers' Pension.
I am aware of the circumstances of the case referred to in the question. Secondary teachers' pensions are awarded in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Secondary Teachers' Superannuation Scheme, which was framed in 1929. Under the provisions of the scheme only completed years of service are reckonable for pension, and there is no power to refund the contribution referred to in the question. I do not consider that any action can be taken in the matter.
Has the Minister considered the possibility of revising this regulation? Will he not remember that at the time the regulations were framed, and subsequent amendments made, it was more or less indicated that changes would be made as evidence came in as to their satisfactory or unsatisfactoy working? Does the Minister not think that there is a prima facie case of injustice in instances like the present, and will he not consider an alteration of these rules to meet such instances?
My attention has not been called to any other case, and I do not consider that this particular case would justify an amendment of the regulations.
If there are other cases that may occur, is it intended in any way to alter the regulations so that a man who has lost one day may not lose such a sum out of his pension?
It is not intended.