asked the Minister for Defence whether he is in a position to indicate what steps have been taken by his Department to protect the civilian population in the event of cities, large towns, power stations, etc., being attacked from the air.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Air-raid Precautions.
The whole question of the defence of the civil population in the event of air attack has engaged the attention of the Government for a considerable time. No scheme of precautions can give complete protection, but with the full co-operation both of the local authorities and the civilian population, it is hoped that a scheme reasonably effective may be evolved. Legislation making it compulsory on local authorities in certain areas to carry out schemes which will cover the action required to be taken by them in the event of the areas being submitted to air attack is being prepared.
In advance of such legislation, the Government considered it desirable to take steps at once with regard to Dublin, which would offer the most likely target. Plans were, accordingly, drawn up indicating the functions which would be assigned to the State and to the local authority, respectively, and the division of cost. These plans have been discussed with the City Manager and Town Clerk of Dublin and officials of the Dublin Corporation have been engaged in the preliminary steps to bring the necessary organisation into existence.
In pursuance of the obligations to be assumed by the State under the plans referred to, the Department of Defence has taken the following action. They have:—
(1) Made arrangements for the purchase of respirators for free issue to the public, decontaminating material for use in the event of gas attack, and protective clothing and equipment for air raid precautions personnel. A considerable quantity of respirators, etc., is already available.
(2) Prepared handbooks for the instruction of the civilian population, which it is intended to issue to the public at an early date.
(3) Established a school for the training of air raid precautions personnel.
Apart from the measures to which I have referred, the Department of Defence has also had under close examination the military measures necessary for the defence of Dublin and other centres against air attack.
Would the Taoiseach say whether he will place a copy of the plan, which he has indicated was discussed between the Department and the Corporation, in the Library, so that Deputies might have access to it?
I should not like to state that that can be done. There might be some reason why it could not. Perhaps the discussions have not reached a sufficiently advanced stage or something of that kind. I do not think that they are in a form final enough for that purpose.
Was the plan laid before the Corporation?
It has been discussed with the officials.
Of the Corporation?
Yes. Surely the Deputy knows that when matters of consideration and negotiation like that are going on, they are not presented to Parliament in an incomplete stage? Negotiation has to take place first, surely.