asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the total sum expended to date on (a) maintaining and (b) modernising the ports and fortifications taken over from the British Government during the present year.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ports and Fortifications
It would be premature to give figures with regard to the cost of maintenance at this stage. As the Deputy is aware, the transfer of the harbour defences has only recently taken place, and any figures based on the short experience we have had would be misleading. No expenditure has so far been incurred on modernising the forts.
When does the Taoiseach think he will be in a position to inform the House of the actual expenditure?
I should not like to give a reply of that kind when I would not have an opportunity of considering all aspects of the matter.
Even on the basis of the Estimate?
The whole question of defence and the measures for defence —estimates of cost, and so on—will have to come before the House in a fairly short time.