asked the Minister for Defence if he is aware that no provision has been made in the Army Pensions Acts for the granting of pensions or gratuities to persons discharged from the Army as medically unfit in consequence of disease contracted while on service subsequent to September 30th, 1924; whether he is also aware that a number of persons so discharged without pension or payment of any kind are suffering great hardship; and whether, having regard to the circumstances in which many of them became physically unfit for further Army service, he is prepared to introduce proposals for legislation to amend the Army Pensions Acts so as to provide pensions for those invalided because of illness or disease contracted subsequent to September, 1924.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Army Pensions Acts
I am aware that the Army Pensions Acts, 1923-37, do not provide pensions or gratuities for men discharged from the Defence Forces on grounds of disease contracted on service subsequent to the 30th September, 1924, and certain cases of resulting hardship have, from time to time, been brought to my notice. I cannot, however, give any undertaking that legislation will be introduced to cover such cases.