asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he will provide grants for necessitous persons in County Monaghan to purchase seed potatoes, where it can be shown that their supplies of seed have been destroyed by the inclement weather during the winter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Grants for Seed Potatoes.
In the Scotstown district of County Monaghan, where my Department's congested areas seed distribution schemes is in operation, a supply of seed potatoes at reduced prices for small holders has been made available. While this distribution is intended mainly as a means of introducing and demonstrating the use of improved varieties of seed and is not meant as a relief scheme in the proper sense, it will obviously help in the necessitous cases in that area.
It is not the function of my Department to provide relief for necessitous persons. I am satisfied from inquiries which I caused to be made locally that, although crops have suffered to some extent, there are ample supplies of seed potatoes in the county.
Arising out of the Minister's reply, would he cause enquiry to be made in County Monaghan as to whether a number of persons have lost their seed, and whether, as a result of that loss, the potato crop in County Monaghan for next year is in danger? If he receives confirmation of that view, will he consult with the local authority with a view to replacing those stocks of seed on some terms, so that the people may not be without potatoes next year?
We have already carried out a survey of the county, I think.
Would the Minister consider consulting again the Committee of Agriculture, because I am assured that in a number of areas the smaller farmers, of whom there are a good many very poor ones in North Monaghan particularly, are really under great stress. I admit that the Scotstown arrangement will meet part of that stress, and, if the Minister will look into the question, that is all I want. If he finds, in fact, that my information is wrong, then of course he can reject it, but if he finds I am right I submit that that would be a most valuable gesture to make, even if it meant some system of loan until the new crop of potatoes comes in.
Of course we will receive practically continuous reports from our local inspector.
And if the Minister is satisfied that an emergency arises, he will take steps to meet it?
I have no power to take steps.
Will the Minister consider taking steps?
I will see what can be done.
That is all the Minister can do.