asked the Minister for Agriculture whether there are costing figures for typical farms in Éire available in his Department; and, if so, where they can be found.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Farm Costing Figures.
There are no recent costing figures available, but the results of investigation on a limited scale, carried out in the year 1920, were published in the journal of the Department of Agriculture, Volume XXII, No. 3.
Am I correct in believing that there were some costing figures in the Department for the years between 1921 and 1926?
No, but I think for the purpose of a commission at that time comparative figures were deduced from the costings already done.
If there were any kind of figures, even though they may not be relevant to the present situation, they would provide a skeleton upon which topical figures might be built up. If such a skeleton does exist, I wonder would the Minister think it desirable to publish it with a view to eliciting topical figures under existing circumstances?
This is a subject which has been under review on a number of occasions. There are many difficulties, one of which is that we have not got a staff at present. The last investigation was carried out in 1920. I think perhaps it would be better discussed on the Estimate, because it is a matter which requires discussion.